19 May 2011

すーぱーそに子 「ソニコミ」「第一宇宙速度」 SUPERORBITAL

Nitro+'s Daiichiuchuusokudo(第一宇宙速度), has released (up to date) 2 singles with a 3rd one set to be on sale on 24th June. This album, SUPERORBITAL 「スーパーオービタル」 was released for the game Sonicomi「ソニコミ」.

This album contains additional scans and 2 hidden tracks.

uploaded by Nozomu

Download link: Click here

08 April 2011

Funny Videos !

This is Why (feat. Hatsune Miku + the BEST anime airing this season)

 And... !

2nd 東方M-1ぐらんぷり: TeiReisen (subtitled)

 Enjoy ~

05 April 2011

Ore-tachi Ni Tsubasa Wa Nai!! Interesting Anime!!

This afternoon while I was surfing the net for new anime updates, I came across this anime: Ore-tachi Ni Tsubasa Wa Nai. I though it would be like any other harem anime with no deep story plot. However when I started watching it, its was totally awesome!! For people who loves comedy and a little harem this anime is totally for you! I was amazed by the plot. Actually the 1st episode did not review much, so I cant really talk much about it. See the anime for yourself, yeah. For more info/streaming, click here.

PS2!!! Should I get one!?!?!

Just yesterday I went to one of my schoolmate's house, He told me that PS2 is awesome and bah bah bah.... So I went to check it out myself. Actually, I owned a PS3. Reason? High graphic and wanted to play JPRG games like Agarest and FF-13. However the PS3 let me down in some ways, yup. The PS2 however had a wide range of games... Not just all the norm RPG but they have visual novels too!! So I was thinking of getting my hands one on PS2 mod. The thing is, as many visual novels as it seems, they are not translated... Only popular ones like Clannad, Air, Kannon, Aoishiro, Tears to Tira(Maybe), Eien no Aselia... So those who owned a PS2, maybe can you help me by commenting on it??? I getting it 'FOR THE JRPGs and VISUAL NOVELS ONLY' cause I got a PS3 which support many US games. Do let me know how you think about it, Thanks!!! :)

Note: Ohh I got a friend selling it at $100. Its the console and a controller only.. Worth it???

Thanks!!! For the iPhone 3G!

Last week I went to 「Gareta」's house and recieved a second-hand iPhone from him (FOR FREE). Plus, the father was kind enough to give me the whole packaging even though I though his father would disallow it... Anyway, even though its only '3G' and its laggyness but still I was happy to receive one haha. I jailbreak it with redsnow and its working fine, allowing multi-tasking. Yup so thank 「Gareta」!!! Btw, how is yr MM coming along :)

31 March 2011

Aa! - First Kiss !

PV And Brazilian Version of Aa! - First Kiss


[Brazilian Mix]

29 March 2011

2010 ANI☆QUIZ!!

How much do you know about the anime in 2010? Test your knowledge in naming the Anime in this image!

As posted on: http://brigade.baka-wolf.com/forum.php

26 March 2011

Demetori Album Collection [Touhou]

For those Touhou music fans out there, great news I have uploaded some albums for the band Demetori. If you know the band, their music are awesome!! More albums will come in, yeah. For now, these are the more well-known albums...

Demetori Music Collection

Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo

Artist: Demetori
Album: Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo

Track List:

  1. Eastern Dream ~ The Introduction
  2. 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field
  3. 御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of the Shadow
  4. 月時計 ~ ルナ・ダイアル
  5. 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea
  6. おてんば恋娘 ~ killer Tune
  7. 信仰は儚き人間の為に ~ Jehovah's YaHVeH
  8. 東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple
  9. 妖々跋扈 ~ Who done it!
  10. ネクロファンタジア ~ Remix

Manenjushaka ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika - 曼衍珠汝華 ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika

Artist: Demetori
Album: Manenjushaka ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika - 曼衍珠汝華 ~ Nada Upasana Pundarika

Track List:
  1. 平安のエイリアン ~ Crazy Xenomorph
  2. 天空の花の都 ~ Bridge of The Lotus
  3. 少女さとり ~ Innumerable Eyes
  4. 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
  5. 少女が見た日本の原風景 ~ Dance of puNDarika
  6. 感情の魔天楼 ~ World's End
  7. 春の湊に ~ Silent Voyage to Eternity
  8. 法界の火 ~ Flame for Puja
  9. 彼岸帰航 ~ View of The River Styx

Sendaisoushi ~ Offering to The Sukhavati - 闡提宗祀 ~ Offering to The Sukhavati

Artist: Demetori
Album: Sendaisoushi ~ Offering to The Sukhavati - 闡提宗祀 ~ Offering to The Sukhavati

Track List:
  1. 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures
  2. 人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
  3. オリエンタルダークフライト
  4. 天空のグリニッジ ~ Deep P Sky
  5. が見ている ~ Eye of the Needles
  6. 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain
  7. 花の映る塚 彼岸の塚 ~ Unnamed Scenery
  8. 亡き王女の為のセプテット ~ Ascending Into Naught
  9. 彼岸の奴隷 ~ One Conclusion

Sinen ni Nozomu ga Gotoshi - 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~

Artist: Demetori
Album: Sinen ni Nozomu ga Gotoshi - 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~

Track List:

  1. 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes
  2. 優雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life
  3. 風の循環 ~ Wind Tour
  4. 無何有の郷 ~ Deep Mountain
  5. 東の国の眠らない夜
  6. メイドと血の懐中時計
  7. さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream
  8. 紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream

23 March 2011


Videos List

Aa! - First Kiss
Contains : Aa! - First Kiss [PV] & Brazilian Mix

Just Some Videos!
Contains : Touhou PV - [Double Scarlet], nayuta - Triangle☆Girl's Heart, Cirno's Perfect Maths Class

K-ON!!Beats! [My Soul, Your Beats!]
Contains : [MAD] My Soul, Your Beats! (K-ON!!)

Makai Tenshi Djibril 4 OP
Contains : [Touhou Ver.] Makai Tenshi Djibril 4 OP, Makai Tenshi Djibril 4 OP

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? Funny Scenes + Angel Beats T.K Dance
Contains : Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? [Transformation Scene], Kore wa Zombie Desu ka ayumu? break dance, Angel Beats! T.K break dance

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - Mami's Epic Battle

Steins;Gate OP

22 March 2011

Mahou Shojo Madoka Magia

Mahou Shojo Madoka Magia Music Collection 

Opening Single - Connect

Artist: ClariS
Album: Mahou Shojo Madoka Magia OP Single - Connect

Track List:

  1. Connect
  2. Dreamin'
  3. Kimi to Futari
  4. Connect (Off Vocal)

Ending Single - Magia

Artist: Kalafina
Album: Mahou Shojo Madoka Magia ED Single - Magia

Track List:
  1. Magia
  2. Snow falling
  3. Magia - Magic Mix - 
  4. Magia - TV Version - 
  5. Magia - Instrumental - 

19 March 2011

Just some videos!

Here are some videos for you guys to enjoy!

1.Touhou PV - 「Double Scarlet」

Touhou PV of the song Double Lariat!

2.nayuta - Triangle☆Girl’s Heart

Song sung by Nayuta!

3.Cirno’s Perfect Math Class

Funny Touhou Video of Cirno!

K-ON!!Beats! [My Soul, Your Beats!]

Kind of weird, but at the same time its done pretty well. With prefect sync of the video and music... Its a nice feel to it :)

It almost seems like K-ON!! is going on a mission when there was the Chorus going. Best is, Yui took out a screwdriver at 0.53 haha!! XD

P.S: Video Quality is not that good

Angel Beats! OST, Flyable Heart OST, Kudwafter OP

Angel Beats Original Soundtrack (OST)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?wpkxvjvwzj479h7
Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?xvq6e8vrmce1d41


Flyable Heart Original Soundtrack (OST) - Flyable Sound!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Part 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?93ti231uggpg113
Part 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?zludxnqlyqsjobe


Kudwafter OP クドわふたー「one's future」

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?qdqkk4kb7vev18s

About Us...

Hailing from Singapore. The four of us created this blog as we want to spread the love of Japanese culture around the world!! Some project uh... haha. Let me give you a overview of this blog :3
  1. Music
  2. Videos
  3. News
  4. Jamming Along
  5. Visual Novels
1. Music

Well, almost 70% of the blog goes to uploading of music. Most of the time, music albums that are uploaded are from anime OPs/ EDs/ Chara. or from J bands unless people or members just wanna upload their favourite albums.


Videos are uploaded at random timings. Only when videos are nice or when we just feel like uploading them, then bam! There you have it, the VIDEOS!!! 


Knowing about the latest news about Japan is important. This brings about the News team. Most information will come from Sankaku Complex. Bare in mind that we will not focus too much on the News.

4.Jamming Along
Haha! Just to share a bit,「Gareta」and I (Neko Miko Nyaa) play the guitar. Sadly,  「Gareta」 plays the guitar better than me. Given some time, hopefully 「Gareta」 can post some videos of him playing some anime OPs and EDs. Right,  「Gareta」?? :)
Hopefully you are reading this right now and do play an instrument, hope you would like to play with us. Do let us know what instruments you can play and we might just do a cover together!

5. Visual Novels

Haha, there's a huge role to play in an Otaku's life. Currently owning about 5-6 visual novels. Hopefully, I can get some time to upload the english patched games that I have installed. Yup...

A.F.C Members

Previously I (Neko Miko Nyaa) was doing this blog alone. However after some time, we formed a team together to update this blog :3 Now, together with 「Gareta」, Nozomu, Nubby, and Me (Neko Miko Nyaa) we are the current members for A.F.C

Main Admin
Neko Miko Nyaa

Co-Admin Leader

Nozomu and Nubby

Quality Check
Nozomu, Nubby,「Gareta」

Neko Miko Nyaa

Music Uploads
All of Us

Etc. Uploads
Whole team

Guitar Uploads
Neko Miko Nyaa and 「Gareta」

All of Us

In any case of questions or problems you encounter, seek the following.
  • 「Gareta」 - iLackOrigin@hotmail.com
  •  Nozomu - ghost_2503@hotmail.com
  • Nubby - bryan199508@gmail.com
  • Neko Miko Nyaa - Sekai-Tenshi@hotmail.com

As for those who are interested to join us in updating this blog. Please contact either me(Neko Miko Nyaa) or 「Gareta」 through our hotmails, yup. There is no requirement... Ohh yeah there is... You must have a love for anime and the likes! :3

GWAVE Super Feature's Volume 2 [Ultra U]

GWAVE Super Feature's Volume 2 [Ultra U]

Title : 「Ultra U2」
Artist : 「U」


Track List

1.Anata no Rocket de
2.Yume Mite☆Angel
4.Tenshi no 3 Bunkan Cooking ~Men Daisuki Loveriel-chan~
6.Candy Pop
7.Happy Ending


Neko Miko Nyaa Music Uploads

Album List

Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - The World God Only Knows
Mahou Shojo Madoka Magica
Tayutama - Kiss on my Deity
To aru Majutsu no Index

Nozomu Music Uploads

Album List

Kami nomi zo Shiru sekai - Koi no Shirushi

「Gareta」 Music Uploads

Album List

GWAVE Super Feature's Volume 12 [ULTRA☆U2]

GWAVE Super Feature's Volume 12 [ULTRA☆U2]

Title : 「Ultra☆U2」
Artists : 「U」


Track List

1.Go Go☆Rabyu
2.I Save Your Place!
3.Koi no Science
4.Hi-Fi Day
5.Love-Go-Round Special Version
6.Jounetsuyo Fly Away
7.Kotonoha ~My Leaf of Words~


Kami nomi zo Shiru sekai - Koi no Shirushi

Kami nomi zo Shiru sekai - Koi no Shirushi

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Title: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai ED Single - Koi no Shirushi
Artist: 神のみぞ知り隊 (Kami nomi zo Shiri Tai)
Street Release Date: December 8, 2010



1. Koi no Shirushi
2. Koi no Shirushi feat. Takahara Ayumi
3. Koi no Shirushi feat. Aoyama Mio
4. Koi no Shirushi feat. Nakagawa Kanon
5. Koi no Shirushi feat. Shiomiya Shiroi
6. Koi no Shirushi (Instrumental)


18 March 2011

Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - The World God Only Know

Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Music Collection

Character CD.0 – Elsie [Kanae Itou]

Artist: Kanae Itou
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.0 – Elsie [Kanae Itou]

Track List:
  1. Oh! Mai GOD!!
  2. Koi no Shirushi from Elsie
  3. Oh! Mai GOD!! (Instrumental)
  4. Koi no Shirushi from Elsie (Instrumental)

Character CD.1 –  Ayumi Takahara [Ayana Taketatsu]

Artist: Ayana Taketatsu
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.1 – Ayumi Takahara [Ayana Taketatsu]

Track List:
  1. Wonder Chance
  2. Koi no Shirushi from Ayumi
  3. Wonder Chance (Instrumental)
  4. Koi no Shirushi from Ayumi (Instrumental)

Character CD.2 – Mio Aoyama [Aoi Yuuki]

Artist: Aoi Yuuki
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.2 – Mio Aoyama [Aoi Yuuki]

Track List:
  1. Last Dance
  2. Koi no Shirushi from Mio
  3. Last Dance (Instrumental)
  4. Koi no Shirushi from Mio (Instrumental)

Character CD.3 – Kanon Nakagawa [Nao Touyama]

Artist: Nao Touyama
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.3 – Kanon Nakagawa [Nao Touyama]

Track List:
  1. Happy Crescent
  2. Koi no Shirushi from Kanon
  3. Happy Crescent (Instrumental)
  4. Koi no Shirushi from Kanon (Instrumental)

Character CD.4 – Shiori Shiomiya [Kana Hanazawa]

Artist: Kana Hanazawa
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.4 – Shiori Shiomiya [Kana Hanazawa]

Track List:
  1. Kuchibue Jet
  2. Koi no Shirushi from Shiori
  3. Kuchibue Jet (Instrumental)
  4. Koi no Shirushi from Shiori (Instrumental)

Character CD.EX – Sora Asuka [Tomo Sakurai]

Artitst: Tomo Sakurai
Album: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Character CD.EX – Sora Asuka [Tomo Sakurai]

Track List:
  1. Hajimete no iro
  2. Tatte Ichido no Kiseki
  3. Hajimete no iro (Instrumental)
  4. Tatte Ichido no Kiseki (Instrumental)

Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Insert Song Album – Birth

Artist: Nao Touyama
Album:Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Insert Song Album – Birth

Track List:
  1. Date of Birth
  4. ALL 4 YOU
  5. ウラハラブ
  6. Happy Crescent
  7. 想いはRain Rain
  8. らぶこーる
  9. ダーリンベイビ
  10. Birth

16 March 2011

Gomen nasai Mina!! Sry Everyone!!

Hey I am back again. Sorry for not updating the blog for the past few days... Got mock exams in the holidays yup. Great news..

  1. I will continue to update the music download list.
  2. I have found a way to upload visual novels for you. :)
  3. As an apology here is a 'little ecchi' videos for you :)
Here is Makai Tenshi Jibril OP 4 (Touhou Ver.)

And here is the Original video..

14 March 2011

New Black Rock Shooter figma!!

On the 13th March (11.30am) , I went to Cityhall mrt to trade for a BRS (Black Rock Shooter) figma for $50! It was aweome!! This was my second time doing this type of stuff. Here are some shots made using my hp sry for the bad quality, gonna get a camera soon :)

After that I went down to Suntec and got my Final Fantasy 13 for $39.90!! Just played it, graphic... I have nothing to say, u have to see it to believe it :)

13 March 2011

Kore wa Zombie desu ka?

Kore wa Zombie desu ka? Music Collection

Opening Single - Makasete Tonight

Artist: Iori Nomizu
Album: Kore wa Zombie desu ka? OP single - Makasete Tonight

Track List:

  1. Makasete Tonight
  2. Terumo Merumo
  3. Makasete Tonight (Without Iori)
  4. Terumo Merumo (Without Iori)


Chaos;Head Music Collection

Pc Game Opening - Find the Blue

Artist: Kanako lto
Album: Chaos;Head Pc Game OP - Find the Blue

Track List:
  1. Find the Blue
  2. Desire Blue Sky
  3. Find the Blue (Off Vocal)
  4. Desire Blue Sy (Off Vocal)


Opening Single - F.D.D
Artist: Kanako lto
Album: Chaos;Head OP Single - F.D.D

Track List:
  1. F.D.D
  2. Fly to the Sky (Off Vocal)
  3. F.D.D
  4. Fly to the Sky (Off Vocal)

PSP Game Opening Single - Fetishism Ark 
Artist: Kanako lto
Album: Chaos;Head PSP Game OP Single - Fetishism Ark

Track List:
  1. Fetishism Ark
  2. Kono Sora no Achira ni
  3. Fetishism Ark (Off Vocal)
  4. Kono Sora no Achira ni (Off Vocal)