11 March 2011

New Beginning

Finally!! I am 90% with the blog's design and layout!! Now I am left with the contents like music downloads and stuff... Pls be patient with me as I am doing a SOLO job for this blog. Anyone who is reading this pls give your comment on how can I improve the blog, yeah!!

Ohh yeah, I will accept request for music or album downloads just comment under here, or you can email me: Sekai-Tenshi@hotmail.com, yup thats about it.

Lastly, just to be random... I uploaded a video of Steins;Gates Pc OP - AR. Those who are interested can view it below..

See ya next time, nyaa ^^


  1. Make video size smaller !! Its passing through ur border!!

  2. Ah thx for the comment, really appricate it!! XD
