Hailing from Singapore. The four of us created this blog as we want to spread the love of Japanese culture around the world!! Some project uh... haha. Let me give you a overview of this blog :3
- Music
- Videos
- News
- Jamming Along
- Visual Novels
Well, almost 70% of the blog goes to uploading of music. Most of the time, music albums that are uploaded are from anime OPs/ EDs/ Chara. or from J bands unless people or members just wanna upload their favourite albums.
Videos are uploaded at random timings. Only when videos are nice or when we just feel like uploading them, then bam! There you have it, the VIDEOS!!!
Knowing about the latest news about Japan is important. This brings about the News team. Most information will come from Sankaku Complex. Bare in mind that we will not focus too much on the News.
4.Jamming Along
Haha! Just to share a bit,「Gareta」and I (Neko Miko Nyaa) play the guitar. Sadly, 「Gareta」 plays the guitar better than me. Given some time, hopefully 「Gareta」 can post some videos of him playing some anime OPs and EDs. Right, 「Gareta」?? :)Hopefully you are reading this right now and do play an instrument, hope you would like to play with us. Do let us know what instruments you can play and we might just do a cover together!
5. Visual Novels
Haha, there's a huge role to play in an Otaku's life. Currently owning about 5-6 visual novels. Hopefully, I can get some time to upload the english patched games that I have installed. Yup...
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